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Worksheet - Mathematics


Date: __________ Start Time: _________ Finish Time: _________

Complete the unit conversions (Length - U.S. Customary System) - Level B

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1 foot = 12 inches
1 yard = 3 feet


yard  __ feet  


yard  ______ inches  


feet  ______ inches  


feet  ____ inches  


feet  ____ inches  


yard  ____ inches  


feet  ____ inches  


yard  ______ inches  


yard  ______ inches  


feet  ______ inches  


yard  __ feet  


foot  ____ inches  


feet  ____ inches  


yard  ____ feet  


yard  ____ feet  


yard  ____ feet  


feet  ____ inches  


yard  ____ feet  


feet  ____ inches  


yard  ____ feet  

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(1) 6

(2) 180 (3) 120 (4) 60 (5) 36 (6) 36 (7) 24 (8) 108 (9) 144 (10) 108

(11) 3

(12) 12 (13) 84 (14) 27 (15) 12 (16) 30 (17) 48 (18) 15 (19) 96 (20) 21

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