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Worksheet - Mathematics


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You can click here to change the title. You have found the hidden feature of myWeblets worksheets.Solve these word addition problems

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I hung 2 ornament on the Christmas tree. My brother hung 9 ornaments. How many ornaments did we hang altogether?


Mike picked 6 strawberries yesterday and 4 strawberries today. How many strawberries does Mike have altogether?


Danny bought sandwitches for $9.00 and drinks for $4.00. How much did he spend in all?


Sanjay bought 4 gummy bear packets from the market. His sister gave him 8 more gummy bear packets. How many gummy bear packets does he have now?


Ray has 7 red marbles and 8 blue marbles. How many total marbles does Ray have?


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(1) 11

(2) 10 (3) 13 (4) 12 (5) 15

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