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Worksheet - Mathematics


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You can click here to change the title. You have found the hidden feature of myWeblets worksheets.Write following numbers in Word form

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49,999,999 =
fourty-nine million , nine hundred ninety-nine thousand , nine hundred ninety-nine

15,008,338 =


16,751,234 =


19,216,907 =


1,053,756 =


13,469,433 =


40,555,572 =


6,185,266 =


16,164,800 =


5,092,661 =

We include Answer Key on the same page to Save paper and help the environment.Answer Key: (Cut the Answer Key or Fold It) Use "Hide Answer Key" option at the top if needed.

(SAMPLE) fourty-nine million , nine hundred ninety-nine thousand , nine hundred ninety-nine

(1) fifteen million , eight thousand , three hundred thirty-eight
(2) sixteen million , seven hundred fifty-one thousand , two hundred thirty-four
(3) nineteen million , two hundred sixteen thousand , nine hundred seven
(4) one million , fifty-three thousand , seven hundred fifty-six
(5) thirteen million , four hundred sixty-nine thousand , four hundred thirty-three
(6) fourty million , five hundred fifty-five thousand , five hundred seventy-two
(7) six million , one hundred eighty-five thousand , two hundred sixty-six
(8) sixteen million , one hundred sixty-four thousand , eight hundred
(9) five million , ninety-two thousand , six hundred sixty-one

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